Is Illness in the Air?
April 12, 2015
Sometimes, when you’re sneezing, nursing a sore throat, maybe a headache, you’d just like to curl up at home and recuperate with a cup of hot tea. Oddly, however, the very home where you seek soothing comfort could actually be the source of your symptoms.
One of today’s more serious health concerns has to do with the air quality inside the home. It’s affected by a lot of potential sources: pet dander, dust, cooking smoke, scented candles, cleaning solutions and more.

No Odor, No Color Can Equal Big Danger
Chest pain
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Breaking Mold’s Hold
Get Your Free Report
There are other indoor air concerns too – some of which should be addressed by a professional (like lead paint removal) – while some homeowners just need guidance and a place to start. We’ve got that for you in our free report entitled, “Best Bets for Breathing Better.”
Call us and we’ll send you a copy.